Structure of Article and Author Guidelines

Final Submission Checklist:

  1. The authors must ensure that before submitting the manuscript for publication, they have taken care of the following:
  2. Title page should contain title, name of the author(s), their qualifications, mailing address for future correspondence, email address, phone and fax number.
  3. Abstract in structured format up to 500 words.
  4. Keywords contain 10-12 words
  5. References should be typed as instruction that mentioned above.
  6. Tables and figures should be typed at the end of the article.
  7. Copyright (covering) Letter.

Guidelines for Paper Publications:

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

  1. All authors have been designated as the corresponding author with contact details: Author’s name, Post / Student UG/PG, Department Name / Branch Name/ , Institute Name, City , State, Country, Email-ID Required for All the Author(s) and Co-Author(s)
  2. Author's names: please provide full names. Important! Please write first name and middle name before surname or lastname, e.g., "Ram Kumar Verma" (not "Verma, Ram Kumar"; not "Verma R.K."; not "V. Ram Kumar").
  3. Do not use abbreviation in College / Institute Name
  4. Check Wrong sequence in Figure and Table numbering
  5. Check All Figures and table with Serial Number 1, 2, 3,
  6. All figures (include relevant captions)
  7. Images should be properly scanned.
  8. Captions should be above the Table and below the figures.
  9. A Table should not be of more than one page.
  10. Tables as editable text and not as images.
  11. Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
  12. All tables should include titles, description and footnotes.
  13. Your research paper should not be published in any other journal before or after publishing.
  14. Paper should contain Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Heading / Side Heading, Result, Conclusion, References.
  15. References should be in following sequence - Authors, Paper Title, Journal / Book Name, ISSN number, Volume, Issue, Page Month/year of publication
  16. Give all authors' names; do not use "et al." unless there are five authors or more.
  17. Math Formulas and Symbols
    Simple mathematical formulas should be constructed in normal text using superscript, subscript, italic, and symbols in Microsoft Word.
    Use symbols in the Fonts: (normal text) or Symbol fonts. To insert a symbol, use Insert/symbol in the Word menu or symbol search from Google unicode symbol
    Use / for "divide" or "over". For example, 1/7, 5/(4+6).
    Use Symbol fonts for "±"; "≤" and "≥" (avoid underline).
    Please avoid using math equations of Word whenever possible, because in full text xml/html version, math equations are replaced by images, which does not look good in the normal flow of text.

Structure of Article

  • General Information:

  • Please write your article in good English (American or British usage is accepted). Use MS Word format 2007, in one style column with 2 cm margin at each side of A4 paper.

  • Paper Title:

  • The first letter of each word in title, should be typed capital. Please avoid using punctuation marks like ( , ), (“ “ ), ( ? ), ( ! ), etc. in title and don’t underline words. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Bold, Size: 16.

  • Authors’ Names

  • Please write authors’ names after main topic. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Bold, Size: 12. Please indicate authors’ postal addresses completely after their names. Country name, telephone number and email addresses of each author are necessary. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Italic, Size: 12.

  • Abstract

  • The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principle results and main conclusion (maximum 500 words). References should be avoided in abstract. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 12.

  • Keywords:

  • Indicate keywords after abstract (5-8 words). Please separate your keywords with ( ,) . *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 12.

  • Main Body

  • Avoid using footnote in your paper. Please change footnote to Note 1., Note 2., etc. and explain the note after the text. It’s preferred 12-22 pages for the length of the article. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 12.

  • Tables

  • Present tables at the end of the article. Number tables in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place the caption of the table above table. Place explanatory matters below the table. Avoid vertical rules. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 10 (both caption and data in table).

  • Figures

  • Present figures, at the end of the article. Number figures in accordance with their appearance in the text. Use excel format for diagrams. Place the caption of figures and diagrams below them. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 10 ( for captions and data in diagram and figures.

  • References:

  • Arrange references alphabetically at the end of the article. *font: Times New Roman, Style: Normal, Size: 12

    • Citation in Text:

    • Books and journal articles should be referred by the authors name and year of publication e.g. (Smith and Ward, 2000). For more than 2 authors, use following structure: (Smith et al., 2000). For more than 2 references, use following structure: (Smith et al., 2000; Ward, 2004; Jackson, 2008). A full reference list should be referred at the end of the article as following structure:

    • Journal:

    • Lee, S. A., Johnson, T.S., Ward, J. P. and Jackson, S. (2000). Comparative Study of 3 Management Methods. International Journal of Business Management, 36 (4), pp. 232- 245. * The name of the journal should be typed in italic style.

    • Book:

    • Bennet, A., Ward, R.A. and Lee, A.P. (2002). Applied Management Models, chapter ( 3 ), Vol.: 2, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, pp.63-74. * The name of the book should be typed in italic style.

    • Website Documents:

    • Smith, J. A. (2002). Business Solutions. Available: http:/ (August 8, 2002).

    • Theses and Dissertations

    • Terner, John. Comparative Study of Two International Marketing Models, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, 2003, pp. 26-40.

  • Acknowledgement

  • All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgement section. It should include persons who provided technical help, writing assistance and departmental head that only provided general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged. Author(s) must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds or fees by, holding stocks and shares in and organizations that may profit or lose through publication of your paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it.

  • Submission:

  • Manuscripts must have been written in English. Also the manuscript must have confirm letter that is assumed manuscripts are exclusively submitted to IJMERT and have not been previously published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis) and are not under consideration by any other journal. In the covering letter one author should be specified as the "corresponding author" and all other authors should personally sign the covering letter. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. The editorial board has the right to insert any necessary changes so that the manuscript is harmonized with the editorial framework of the journal. Accepted manuscripts are the properties of IJMERT. All submissions to the IJMERT should contain a completed copy of signed covered letter containing the copyright agreement. Manuscript submission to IJMERT can be handled in following pathway: The corresponding author should mail the original copy with CD and 4 review copies to:

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