International Journal of Modern Engineering and Research Technology
Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2020
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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
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1. |
Annealing Temperature Influenced Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of DC Magnetron Sputtered Cr2O3 Thin Films
Author(s): Gopal Naik B, Uthanna S, Tirupati, pp 05-15
2. |
Substrate Temperature Influenced Electrical, Dielectric and Optical Properties
of HfO2 Films Formed by Magnetron Sputtering | Author(s): S. Venkataiah, Uthanna
S, Tirupati, pp 16-24
3. |
Development of Natural Medicinal Extract Loaded Antimicrobial Fabric for its Potential use as Safe Face Masks, Hand Gloves and Clothing: Study of its Strategic use for Safety Against Corona Virus.
Author(s): Archana Mall, Hemlata Bundela Awasthi, pp 25-30
4. |
Electrical Power Oscillation Dmping by Using SSSC with and without Pod Controller in
Author(s): Deepak Kushwaha, Pramod Dubey | TIET, Jabalpur pp 31-38