Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014
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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
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1. |
Modeling and Simulation of Low Power 1-bit CMOS Full Adder Cells
Author(s) :
Shruti Tiwari, Prof. Dwejendra Arya | IET, Alwar Rajasthan | pp 05-12 |
2. |
A Novel Steganography Approach using Cryptography
Author(s) Megha Tiwari, Dr.
Mukta Bhatele, Prof. Vigyan Sharma | pp 13-25 |
3. |
Polyphase Structure Used In Discrete Wavelet Transform For Ultra Low Power, High
Author(s) : Sara Varghese, Ptof. Utsav Malviya, GGITS, Jabalpur | pp
26-28 |
4. |
A New Improved Modulo (2n + 3) Multiplication for DEA
Author (s) : Abhishek
Singh Thakur, Prof. Ravi Mohan | S.R.I.T, Jabalpur | pp 29-32 |
5. |
60 GHz modified dipole for WiGig™ Reception
Author (s) : Waqar Yunus, Prof. Zohaib Hasan, GGITS, Jabalpur | pp 33-36 |
6. |
Enhanced BER Performance in Optical OFDM System
Author (s) : Ruhi Khetrapal, Vipul Awasthi | GGITS, Jabalpur | pp 37-41 |
7. |
Discover the Rules by Different Machine Learning Algorithms in Software Bug Report during Project Development Process
Author (s) : Dhyan Chandra Yadav, Rajeev Kumar | SVU, Amroha pp 42-48 |