
Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2014

Sr. Title / Author(s) Abstract Full PDF
1. An Optimised Implementation of Steganography with two level of Security Author (s) :Vartika Pandya, Meenal Jain, Ravimohan | SRIT, Jabalpur | pp 05-08
2. Vedic Optimized ALU with a new Approach Urdhva Triyambakam Multiplier Author (s): Nidhi Rajput, Rakesh Patel | Takshshila., Jabalpur | pp 09-13
3. An Implementation of RISC Processor for DSP Applications Author(s): Shaily Agrawal, Shadma Pragi | Takhshshila, Jabalpur | pp 14-18
4. Twice Steganography Method along with DWT for Highly Secure Data Transmission Author(s) : Jyoti Viswakarma, Rashika Gupta, Ravimohan | SRIT, Jabalpur | pp 19-23
5. Design and Implementation of Pipelined 8-Bit Binary Multiplier Using M.G.D.I. Technique Author(s): Nitin Singh, M.Zahid Alam | L.N.C.T., Bhopal | pp 24-31
6. Object Oriented Framework for MCDM and DSS Modelling
Author(s): Dr. Mamta Lambert | JEC, Jabalpur | pp 32-37
7. Simulation of Grayhole Attack Author(s): Dr. Mamta Lambert, Sharda Prasad Patel | JEC, Jabalpur | pp 38-44

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