Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2016
Sr. |
Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
Full PDF |
1. |
A Survey of Attacks in Optimized Link State Routing Protocol | Author(s):
Shikha Chouksey, Sujeet Tiwari, Naazish | LNCT, Jabalpur | pp 05-15 |
2. |
Comparisons of Heuristic, CaseBased, and Polynomial Approach to Solve nQueens
Problem Author(s): Loveleen Kaur, Mayank Nema, Saurabh Singh, JEC,
Jabalpur | pp 16-20 |
3. |
Smart Agent Based Scheduling and Monitoring in Cloud Computing Author(s):
Mahendra Singh Rajpoot, Sujeet Kumar Tiwari, Naazish Rahim | LNCT, Jabalpur | pp
21-27 |
4. |
Evaluation of Print Mottle by Stochastic Frequency Distribution Analysis
Author(s) : Sanjay Sharma, Kalaniketan, Jabalpur | pp
28-31 |
5. |
Effect of Selfish Behavior of Misbehaving Nodes on DSR in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Author(s) : Rohan Rajoriya, Kalaniketan, Jabalpur| pp
32-40 |