Volume 4, Issue 4, October 2017
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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
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1. |
A Survey on Security Issue in MANET
Author(s): Khushboo Kushwaha, Deepak Agrawal | TIET, Jabalpur pp 05-13 |
2. |
Performance Optimization of Hive by Two-Way Join Operation over Big Data
Author(s): Manoj Dwivedi, Deepak Agrawal | TIET, Jabalpur pp 14-20 |
3. |
The Use of Cement Stabilized Granular Soil for Pavement Layer
Author(s): Pratistha Sen, R. K. Yadav | JEC, Jabalpur pp 21-25 |
4. |
Improvement of Ethanol Sensing Properties of Nanocrystalline Bi2O3 by Doping 5.0 wt% Indium
Author(s): S. D. Kapse G. S. College Khamgaon (Maharashtra), pp 26-30 |
5. |
Survey of Wormhole Attack in MANET
Author(s): Aatmprakash Dwivedi, Abhishek Pandey | TIET, Jabalpur pp 31-39 |
6. |
A Review on Variety of Modulation Signal can be Detected and used for Cognitive
Author(s): Umashankar Pandey, Shivam Singh Solanki | TIET, Jabalpur pp 40-45 |
7. |
Improvement in Image Compression ratio using proposed Algorithm
Author(s): Shabbir Ahmad, M.R. Aloney | Bhagwant University, Ajmer pp 46-54 |
8. |
Assessment of Sub-Synchronous Resonance, Compensation Levels of Turbine-Synchronous Generator Group
Authro(s) Vivek Jain, Ashok Soni, GGCT, Jabalpur pp 55-60 |
9. |
An Efficient Usage of Intelligence Techniques to Analyze the Speed Control of D.C Motor
Author(s): Kota Nayak V. | Dhruva, Hydrabad | pp 61-64 |
10. |
An Enhanced PI Controlled STATCOM for Voltage Regulation
Author(s):Dhasharatha G,Madhu Babu T, Nagasridhar Arise | TKREC, Hyderabad | pp
65-73 |
11. |
Estimation of High Performance Memristor Based 6T SRAM Cell Author(s): Daya Ram
Yadav, D. C. Chaurasia | pp 74-79 |