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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
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1. |
Effect of One-Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Loading on Dispersion and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposite Materials |
Author(s): S. Pochaiah, Balaji Padya, A. Krishnaiah pp 05-10
2. |
A Review On Nano Composite Structures and its New Applications
Author(s): K. Susheela, I. Satyanarayana pp 11-18
3. |
Ultra-thin 2D Carbon Material as Engine Oil Additive for Studying Anti-Friction and Anti-Wear Behaviour
Author(s): N. Ravikiran, Balaji Padya, P.K. Jain, A. Krishnaiah | pp 19-30
4. |
Entropy Generation Due to Change in Thermophysical Properties of Nanofluids
Author(s): Ravi Prattipati, Srinivas Pendyala, Vipul Jain | pp 31-37
5. |
Experimental Investigation on Nano Refrigeration
Author(s): M. Nagaraju, V. Mahanandi Reddy | pp 38-44
6. |
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Three Tube Heat Exchanger using Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3)/Water Nano fluid
Author(s): K Krishna Murthy, G. K Pujari, Mantri Pradeep Kumar, Mattapally Santhosh | pp 45-50
7. |
Theoretical Analysis of Off design Performance characteristics of single shaft Gas Turbine for Power Generation using biomass gasified fuel.
Author(s): Gangaraju Srinivas Sharma, M.V.S.MuraliKrishna | Hyderabad
| pp 51-58 |
8. |
The Effect of Additives on Performance of CI Engine Fuelled With Bio-Diesel
Author(s): R.Eshwaraiah, B.Singaravel | Hyderabad
| pp 59-65 |
9. |
The Effect on Environment with the use of Alternate Fuels
Author(s): Pagidipalli Saidulu, Narsimhulu Sanke | Hyderabad
| pp 66-72 |
10. |
Heat Transfer Simulation of Gas Turbine Blade with Film Cooling
Author(s): Hadeel Raheem Jasim, Narsimhulu Sanke, Khaled Al-Farhany
| pp 73-82 |
11. |
Experimental Measurements On Exhaust Emissions On Modified Two Stroke Spark
Ignition Engine With Alcohol Blended Gasoline Using Catalytic Converter.
Author(s): S.Narasimha Kumar | Hyderabad
| pp 83-89 |
12. |
Life Cycle Assessment of a Wind based Electric Power Generation System: An
Indian Perspective
Author(s): N. Leela Prasad, P. Usha Sri , K. Vizayakumar | Hyderabad
| pp 90-100 |
13. |
Viscous oil-water flow through an undulated pipeline in valley configuration by experimental and CFD simulation
Author(s): Anand Babu Desamala, M Sreeramulu, M Srinivasa Rao, Fasil Alemayehu | Hyderabad
| pp 101-112 |
14. |
Experimental Investigation on DI Diesel Engine Using vegetable oils as a Bio Additive
Author(s): M.Sonachalam, V.Manieniyan, R.Senthilkumar, S.Sivaprakasam | Hyderabad
| pp 113-119 |
15. |
Thermodynamic analysis of two stage cascade refrigeration system using Natural Refrigerants
Author(s): S. Venkataiah, Rangavajjula Venkata Datta Sai Pavan, Mustyala Sai Nikhil | Hyderabad
| pp 120-128 |
16. |
A Review on Helical Baffles for shell and tube heat exchangers
Author(s): Ravi Gugulothu, Narsimhulu Sanke, AVSSKS Gupta, Ratna Kumari Jilugu | Hyderabad
| pp 129-139 |
17. |
Experimental Investigation on Pyramidal Solar Still for Indian Climate
Author(s): K.Krishna Murthy, G.K. Pujari, Kiriti Mamidi, Pradeep Kumar Mantri, Santhosh Mattapalli, Ajaruddin Shaik | Hyderabad
| pp 140-146 |
18. |
Regenerative Air Cooler - A Technique to Overcome Thermodynamic Limitation
Author(s): Srinivas Pendyala | Hyderabad | pp 147-154
19. |
Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer of Helical Baffles Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Author(s): Ravi Gugulothu, Narsimhulu Sanke, Ratna Kumari Jilugu, Sri Rama Devi Rangisetty
| pp 155-160 |
20. |
Analysis of Key Design Parameters of a Pure Scramjet Engine to Reduce its Starting Mach Number
Author(s): V. Uma Maheshwar, Y.Vijrumbana | Hyderabad | pp 161-177
21. |
Comparative Study of Structured and Unstructured Meshing of Nozzle Model
Author(s): V. Uma Maheshwar, Moogi Srinivasa Rao | Hyderabad
| pp 178-186 |
22. |
Computational Study of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine(VAWT) for different Overlap Ratios
Author(s): V. Uma Maheshwar, Pavan Mummadi | Hyderabad
| pp 187-197 |
23. |
Computational Study of Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Helical Pipes
Author(s): V. Uma Maheshwar, R.V.S.S.R.Pavana Kumar | Hyderabad | pp 198-205 |
24. |
Role of Production in SCM-Key Aspects
Author(s): Gayathri Nannapaneni, P.Laxminarayana | Hyderabad| pp 206-213 |
25. |
Recent Trends in Abs-Calcium Carbonate Polymer Composite Processing: A Review
Author(s): S.Sreenivasulu, A.Chenna Keshava Reddy | Hyderabad | pp 214-221 |
26. |
Parametric Optimization of Hardness and Surface Roughness of a Friction Stir Welded Joint by Making Use of Data Envelopment Approach
Author(s): M.Vamshi, Pranav Ravindrannair, M.Shreiyas, A.Niresh| pp 222-230 |
27. |
Development of Electron Beam Welding process for welding of Zirconium Alloy to Hafnium
Author(s): V.N.S.K. Chaitanya, M.Chaitanya Reddy, A.M.Parsodkar, R.K.Chaube, A.
Maruthi Rama, I. Kiran Kumar, Meena Ravindran, Dinesh Srivastava | Hyderabad |
pp 231-236 |
28. |
Study of Vegetable oil and their Properties for as an Alternative Source to Mineral oil-Based Dielectric Fluid in Electric Discharge Machining
Author(s): B.Singaravel, K.Chandra Shekar, K.Mangapathi Rao, G. Gowtham Reddy |
pp 237-244 |
29. |
A Systematic Quantitative Review of the Effect of Process Parameters in Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming
Author(s): Zeradam Yeshiwas, A. Krishnaiah | Hyderabad | pp 245-261 |
30. |
Optimization of Super Plastic Forming of low Carbon Steel in Stretching setup advanced Techniques
Author(s): G. Jagan Naik, M. Devaiah | Hyderabad | pp 262-272 |
31. |
Tribological Behaviour of Alumina as a Lubricant Additive
Author(s): Harikumar Andem, P. Ramesh Babu | Hyderabad | pp 273-282 |
32. |
An Experimental Analysis of Performance and Emission on IDI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Different Blends Biodiesel, Diesel Additive and Diesel
Author(s): Author(s): Billa Kiran Kumar, Jibitesh Kumar Panda G. Ravi Kiran Sastry, | NIT, Agartala
| pp 283-288 |
33. |
Comparative Characteristics of Electro Discharge Machining and Micro Electro Discharge Drilling
Author(s): P.Chaitanya Krishna Chowdary, P.Laxminarayana, N.Nagabhushana Ramesh,
Hyderabad | pp 289-293 |
34. |
Experimental Study on Effect of Process Parameters of Wire EDM on Maraging Steels Using Plain Brass Wire
Author(s): B. Swathi, M. Sangeetha, K. Saraswathamma | Hyderabad |pp 294-302 |
35. |
Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment Soaking Time on Mechanical Properties of Tig
Welded Grade 91 Steel
Author(s): S. Swethabhagirathi, Kasturi Mithun, K.Saraswathamma,
Hyderabad | pp 303-311 |
36. |
Optimization of Electric Discharge Machining Process Parameters using Artificial Neural Network
Author(s):V.Sampath, K.Eswaraiah, Khizar Adnan | Hyderabad
| 312-320 |
37. |
Experimental Investigation of Process Parameters of EDM on 17-4 PH Steel using Taguchi Method
Author(s): V.Sampath, K.Eswaraiah, M.Ashok Kumar | Hyderabad | pp 321-331 |
38. |
Estimation of Electrical Conductivity of ABS and PLA Based EDM Electrode Fabricated By Using FDM 3D-Printing Process
Author(s): L. Mahipal Reddy, L. Siva Rama Krishna, S. Sharath Kumar, P. Ravinder Reddy
| pp 332-338 |
39. |
Investigations on the Surface Hardness and Roughness of Roller Burnished Surfaces
Author(s): J Kandasamy N Shravan Kumar Reddy | Hyderabad | pp 339-346 |
40. |
Experimental Study on Parametric optimization For Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Prototype Processing
Author(s): Battula Narayana, Sriram Venkatesh | Hyderabad | pp 347-356 |
41. |
Prediction of Angular Error and Surface Roughness in Wire-EDM Taper cutting of AISI D2 Tool Steel
Author(s): K.L.Uday Kiran, K.Saraswathamma, A.M.K.Prasad, G.Chandra Mohan Reddy | Hyderabad
| pp 357-364 |
42. |
GA Based Case Study for Testing of Isomorphism
Author(s): V. Rakesh, P.S.S. Murthy, K. Eswaraiah | Hyderabad | pp 365-371 |
43. |
Damping Enhancement in Structures with Particle Damper
Author(s): J. Swapna, D. Ramkrishna | Hyderabad | pp 372-377 |
44. |
Passive Isolation from Belleville Spring Nanduri
Author(s): V P S Anirudh, D. Ramakrishna | Hyderabad | pp 378-383 |
45. |
Investigation of Tensile and Flexural Behaviour of Hybrid Fiber Composites Based on Basalt and Kenaf Fibers
Author(s): T. Rohith Kumar, U. Venkata Ramana, A. Arun, Md.Rameez Rizwan, K. Kishor Kumar | Hyderabad
| pp 384-391 |
46. |
Effect of Stacking Sequence on Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite
Author(s): K. Chandra Shekar, B. Anjaneya Prasad, V.Manikishore, B. Singaravel | Hyderabad
| pp 392-397 |
47. |
Modeling and Analysis of Disc Brake mounted on axle of the Train
Author(s): E. Madhusudan Raju, S. Kavya, D. Jitesh Krishna, Srikrishna | Hyderabad
| pp 398-405 |
48. |
Control of Multi-Link Robots with Link Flexibility
Author(s): E. Madhusudan Raju, L Siva Rama Krishna, Mohamed Abbas, V Nageswara Rao | Hyderabad
| pp 406-414 |