Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2018
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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
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1. |
Design and Analysis of Enhanced Routing Protocols in MANET
Autor(s): E. Krishna Hari, E. Nagabhushanam | MREC, Hyderabad | pp 05-12
2. |
An Efficient Analysis of 3 Phase Converter
Author(s) : Kota Nayak V. | Dhruva, Hydrabad | pp 13-17
3. |
A Review on Present Status of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in India
Author(s): Gautam Chaudhary, Rishabh N. Mahure | pp 18-23
4. |
An Attribute-Based Access Control Web Based Mechanism in Cloud Computing
Author(s): D Srilakshmi, M C S Varma, DDD Suribabu | DNRCET, Bhimavaram
| pp 24-28 |
5. |
Probabilistic and Deterministic Verification Approaches of Outsourced Frequent
Item Set Mining
Author(s): Y Mary Sujatha, B Nanadana Kumar, DDD Suribabu |
DNRCET, Bhimavaram | pp 29-34 |
6. |
A Review of Trust Techniques in WSN Author(s): Roshini Sen, Abhishek Pandey |
TIET, Jabalpur | pp 35-39 |
7. |
Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing-A Survey
Author(s): Loveleen Kaur |
JEC, Jabalpur | pp 40-50 |
8. |
A Novel Algorithm for Enhanced Routing Protocols in MANETS Author(s): E. Krishna
Hari, E. Nagabhushanam | MREC, Hyderabad | pp 51-59 |
9. |
Smart Approach using GNS 3 Mitigation of Wireless Sensor Network
Author(s) Sandeep Tripathi, Santosh Sahu, Jayesh Jain | SRGI, Jabalpur | pp
60-66 |
10. |
Application of Different Agricultural Waste in Concrete as a Partial Replacement
of Cement
Author(s): Navneet Kumar Chouksey, Anubhav Rai | GGITS, Jabalpur | pp
67-73 |
11. |
Analysis & Effect of Auricular Therapy of OM- The Divine Mantra using Autocorrelation function in EEG (electroencephalogram) to test Certain Diseases: A Review
Author(s): Dr. Mukta Bhatele, Chyrine Bouche | GGITS, Jabalpur pp 74-78 |
12. |
Enhancing the Security of Medical Data Transmission in Cloud Using Reversible
Storage Identity Based Encryption Technique-A Review
Author(s): Dr. Mukta Bhatele, Samradhi Sharma | GGITS, Jabalpur pp 79-84 |
13. |
Utilization of FBG Dispersion Compensation and Analysis of High Data Rate Transmission Using Optical Communication Systems
Author(s): K. Rambabu, Sriram Singla | Madhav University, Sirohi pp 85-90
14. |
Design and Performance Analysis of Digital Modulation Techniques in Optical Fibre Communication
Author(s): Pragati Patharia | Bilaspur pp 91-95
15. |
Modified Bitumen in Flexible Pavement- A Review
Author(s): Praveen Kumar P, Manjunatha S, Subramanya K G | SKSJT, Bangalore pp 96-100