Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2016
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Title / Author(s) |
Abstract |
Full PDF |
1. |
Secure Data Transfer Over Bluetooth Based on Speed
Author(s): Pradeep Vishwakarma, Leeadhar
Chourasiya | IPS Academy, Indore | pp 05-14 |
2. |
Effect of Silica Fume on Strength Characteristic of Fly Ash Concrete
Author(s): Vinay Singh, R. K. Yadav, Dr. Rajeev Chandak pp
15-19 |
3. |
Biometric Recognition: Security and Privacy Concerns
Author(s): Dr. Sudeep Kishore Sharma, Amaresh Singh, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology , Jabalpur, pp 20-26 |
4. |
Investigate Analysis of Classification Process in OLSER for filter the FN and NN
Author(s): Javed Akhtar Khan | TIET, Jabalpur, pp 27-33 |
5. |
Urban Transportation Projects Sanjay Verma, Saleem Akhtar, Rajesh Bhargava,
Sagar Shrivastava, pp 34-40 |
6. |
A Monetary Innovation: Natural Resources Currency Author(s): Divya Sharma | JEC, Jabalpur, pp 41-44 |